Work Index!
Few of Our Projects Adored by millions of users!
We shows only the best websites and portfolios built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity.
The Solis Process
Due Diligence to determine your Needs!
Each customer is different, we understand this all too well which is why our experts make on-site visits, technically analyze, plan and take all considerations into account as they deliberate on a system that meets your needs.

Leveraging Best Industry Practices!
Using some of the best equipment available in PV Technology today and having capable personnel to handle the process, we install the equipment as per the proposed design and ensure its lasting and optimum performance.

Commitment to Quality
Our commitment to you doesn’t end with installation of the system, rather we build and maintain the trust of our customers by ensuring that our support team stay in touch to make module integrity certain on a timely basis. Swift and satisfactory resolution of customer queries is the top priority of our support team.